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Welcome to Our DBI Website!

Posted on Wed, Feb 23, 2011

Take a good look around, because there's a lot to see. You may view our Course Catalogue(Word Doc) in the Media section. Be sure to get yourself an account for personalization. Take a look at our forums to talk with one another. Please let the webmaster know if you have any questions or e mail us at [email protected].

You can access our course catalogue (word document) in the "media" section. You must log in to view the catalogue.

   Discussion: Welcome to Our DBI Website!
Darlene · 8 years, 10 months ago
I'm logged in and cannot view the course catalogue.  When I click media, a blank box appears and a message saying that there's no info available.
Dr. Arthur N. Werts · 7 years ago
I logged in and could not view the course catalogue. When I click on Media, I get a blank page with a message that no info is available.  I did get a message on the DBI home page that course catalogue would be posted in a space on that page. But nothing happened. Please advise.
papercupwholesaler · 3 years, 3 months ago
We can see all kinds of paper cups in milk tea coffee shops. Among them, the paper cups of Starbucks coffee shops are refreshing. In addition to these special paper cups, the following paper cups are mainly used in our lives: Single wall paper cup--Single wall paper cup is one of the paper cups. The main material is a wall of paper. paper bread bag manufacturers The characteristic of the single-wall paper cup is that the wall inside the cup has a smooth PE coating or edible wax. Single-wall cups are generally used to hold drinking water, mainly cold drink cups. Special wax-plated paper cups must not be used to hold hot water, because the wax dissolves at 70 degrees and is harmful to the human body, while PE coated paper cups Also, if the temperature is too high, ripple wall paper cups harmful substances will be produced.
angeldolljp · 3 years, 3 months ago
シリコーンのダッチワイフのような生活:どのように経験をするか?それで、あなたは外に出て、豪華なシリコンのリアル ラブドールに投資しましたか?良い選択!これで良いスタートを切り、このガイドの最初のステップを完了しました。しかし、人形を手に入れたら、体験をできるだけリアルでリアルにするために何ができるでしょうか。さて、それはどのように行われますか:衣類と下着 これは明らかかもしれませんが、最も本格的な人形体験が必要な場合は、彼女のために服や下着を購入する必要があります。人形の脱衣は親密さを増し、人形を本物の女の子のように見せることができます。また、さまざまなコスチュームを購入することで、ラブドール レンタルに幻想を抱くことができます。たとえば、多くのお客様は、人形を女子高生のコスチュームに扮することを好みます。メイクと髪 これはあなたの人形のためにセクシーな服を着るよりも多くの仕事を必要とします、しかしそれはすべての違いを生むことができます。本物の女の子は髪の毛や化粧に何時間も費やします。人形でこれを行う必要はありませんが(必要な場合を除く)、単純な水溶性の化粧品は人形の生活の質を本当に向上させることができます。髪はよく維持されるべきもう一つの側面です。本物の女の子の髪のように、人形AXB DOLLの髪を清潔に保ち、髪の毛を滑らかに保ち、絹のように保つことが重要です。人形の髪の毛やメイクの手入れのコツはこちらをご覧ください。暖かい人形 冷たい人形を体温に近い温度に加熱することは、人形とのセックスの喜びを高める良い方法であり、簡単に達成できます。必要なのは温水だけです。これを日常生活に取り入れて安全を保つ良い方法は、使用前に人形を温水で洗うことです。 TPEとシリコン素材は熱をしっかりと保持できるため、人形RZRDollの使用感が向上します。電気暖房器具も購入できます。大人のおもちゃのために特別に作られた製品は、人形を過熱して傷つけないように設計されているため、うまく機能します。前戯と親密さ ダッチワイフSanhui Dollのリアルでリアルな体験となると、見過ごされがちなのは人間の想像力です。人形を本物の女の子のように扱うふりをして、パフォーマンス時間を延長し、前戯を通して構築することを許可すると、人形とセックスするのはどれほど素晴らしいことでしょう。人形の体のあらゆる部分に感謝し、キスをし、胸で遊んで、オーラルセックスをすることを学びます(これは体温を上げるのにも役立ちます)。その瞬間に迷子になることを恐れないでください。終わったら、横になってリラックスして人形を抱きしめてください。次回は人形を戻さないでください。他の人形Sino Dollの所有者と共有したい提案はありますか?以下の共有へようこそ。
shqs001 · 2 years, 8 months ago
Introduction of rubber abrasion test methods and standards Abrasion is defined as the loss of the surface of a material due to friction. Wear resistance is defined as the resistance to wear on the surface of the material due to mechanical action, and is characterized by the wear resistance index. express. The wear resistance of rubber refers to the ability of vulcanized rubber to resist material loss due to surface damage under the action of friction, and is a mechanical property closely related to the service life of rubber products. The main forms of wear are: 1. Wear and tear: The uneven sharp rough objects on the surface are continuously cut and rubbed during friction, causing the contact points on the rubber surface to be cut and torn into tiny particles, which fall off the rubber surface, resulting in wear, wear strength and pressure. proportional to the tensile strength. 2. Fatigue wear: The surface of the vulcanized rubber in contact with the friction surface is subjected to periodic compression, shearing, stretching and other deformations during repeated use, which causes fatigue on the rubber surface and gradually produces micro-cracks in it. The development of these cracks results in microscopic spalling of the material surface. 3. Curl wear: When in contact with the non-smooth surface of the rubber, due to the action of friction, the uneven surface of the vulcanized rubber is deformed and damaged by tearing, and the surface falls off into a roll. 4. Corrosion and wear: The wear and tear of the rubber surface is directly affected by chemical action. In any particular form of wear, usually more than one wear mechanism is involved, but there is always one that dominates. For example, there are usually fatigue wear and curling wear in corrosion wear. Related test products: Taber Abrasion Resistance Tester / UV Accelerated Weathering Tester / Xenon lamp aging test chamber
Emilylowes · 2 years, 5 months ago
Since the WoW WoTLK Gold Beta formally opened closing week, frenzied battles were raging on Blizzard's Battle.internet provider, now no longer simplest in aggressive suits, however additionally withinside the chat rooms, as testers talk which of the sport's 4 factions is the most powerful. The night time elves were the c of a lot interest, simplest in part due to the fact their ranged devices had been first of all very robust in massed organizations. The night time elves have additionally been famous really due to their exceptional appearance and gameplay fashion. We'll have a take a observe what makes the night time elves so one of a kind on this very last installment to our week of WoW WOTLK Classic beta reviews. Keeper of the Grove Half elf, 1/2 of stag, those magical creatures can summon the very bushes to their useful resource. Keepers can fee into conflict to spoil enemies with their melee assault, however they regularly use their magic in a assisting position. Force of nature turns bushes into strolling treants that combat with their robust timber limbs, and the entangling roots spell can root an enemy in vicinity. Keepers help close by troops with the thorns air of mystery, which shields devices from harm, and tranquility, their closing spell, showers a collection of pleasant devices with a recuperation rain. It ought to be no marvel that the night time elves take gain of buy WoTLK Classic Gold new day and night time cycle. Like their excessive elven cousins who combat along the human beings, night time elves do not go through any consequences in the course of the day. But night time elves are ideally fitted to transferring and preventing in darkness. A troop of elven opponents may be very stealthy at night time due to the shadowmeld capacity that each one woman night time elves have. When status flawlessly nevertheless, the elves' hardy woman opponents disappear into the moonlit shadows and are efficaciously invisible. It's additionally feasible to investigate ultravision in your elves, which offers them the capacity to look as properly at night time as in the course of the day, giving elven gamers an additional cause to transport at night time, whilst different factions are swathed in darkness.
lucy sage · 2 years, 1 month ago
"I must increase the speed of things and need to find a method to become open",'' stated Cameron. "I should try to get in there and do more. I have to step up and make plays and do whatever I can in order to aid this team. This is the goal I have set for myself." The third-year receiver was enjoying an outstanding season in 2013. however his production has started to decline significantly over the past two weeks as new quarterback Jason Campbell targeting Cameron just 18 times over the course of the past three games. Cameron is a 45-yard receiver who recorded 45 catches that totaled 515 yards and six touchdowns through the first seven games in the season, is averaging just seven catches for 33 yards in the two games that he has played. Cameron, who had been emerging as a big-play threat for the offensively-challenged Browns this season, says that defenses are rolling coverage his way and are now limiting his effectiveness downfield. The young receiver says that it's up to him to work harder to beat the coverage and that he's not too concerned about chemistry with the starting quarterback. "I do not believe that it's Jason or anything,'' Cameron declared. "They're getting you stuck at the first level, and then someone hitting you at the second level. It's simply a harder chemistry between the route. The timing may be a bit off.'' In This Stream Steelers against. Browns 2013. Week 12 Live coverage, score updates, and more Brandon is back, and just as terrible as ever. Browns WR Cameron: Don't be blamed Jason Campbell Browns vs. Steelers odds Read all 11 storiesRahim Moore's injury: Broncos DB has emergency surgery Madden NFL 23 Coins For Sale -
lucy sage · 2 years, 1 month ago
In order to have the ultimate Jumpshot to get the best Jumpshot NBA 2K23. you will need to get the best shooting badges. These badges will cover different types of shooting. Since we're on the topic of jump shots, we'll be covering the relevant ones. There are some amazing jump shot badges in NBA 2K23 that you can obtain after you have earned a few points within the game. We've added at minimum one badge for each of the tiers. So, for the players who are just beginning their journey it is possible to go for the Tier 1 badges first. Once you have spent enough points. The next step is to move to the next level and obtain the next jump shot badges. At this point, we're at the end of our instruction. If you follow all our directions and practice jump shots, we assure that you'll soon be scoring 3 pointers with your eyes closed. We have covered all the types of builds to allow you to pick the Best Jumpshot to your athlete in NBA 2K23. Alongside the Jumpshots of each class, we went over the necessary in-game settings and some great shooting badges to help you improve your jump shot to the best of your ability in NBA 2K23. Thank you for reading our tips. Make sure to stay current with EXputer for more information on playing skills to help you on the NBA 2K23 journey! If you want to know more about NBA 2K MT, please visit
lucy sage · 2 years, 1 month ago
Auto Shot doesn't make any sound when it's cast during the animation of Hunter's Mark and certain different abilities.Scatter Shot, Wyvern Sting as well as Freezing Trap offer diminishing returns.A The Hunter's Frost Trap ground effect will cause players to be able to break out of stealth.The speed at which pet focus regenerates isn't always the same. It is important to note that while the amounts of focus could be generated in a tick is inconsistant, the total amount of focus generated over time is consistent and flat. There are slight variances in the time between ticks, causing the display to appear inconsistently.Pet aggro radius works properly and as expected. This is to say, it was extremely inconsistent in initial WoW and remains not as consistent to this day in WoW Classic.Pets "remember" specific targets that they were previously instructed to attack before. When an animal is sent to attack another location, the pet returns to attack the remaining targets they were instructed to attack when the currently engaged target dies.Pets who were instructed to target dead targets using special abilities or attacks will attempt to approach and attack the dead target before returning to the hunter's side , if the ability is not successful. If you want to know more about WoTLK Classic Gold, please visit
newrealdoll · 1 year, 9 months ago
Introduction: curvy sex doll have been around for centuries, with the earliest recorded evidence dating back to ancient Greece. However, it is only in recent years that sex dolls have become more popular and widely available due to advancements in technology and manufacturing. While sex dolls have been a topic of controversy, they have also been the subject of academic research. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of sex dolls, including their history, types, benefits, and drawbacks. History: Sex dolls have been used by humans for centuries. The earliest recorded evidence of sex dolls dates back to ancient Greece, where they were made from cloth and leather. In the 17th century, Dutch sailors created dolls made out of cloth and wax to satisfy their sexual desires during long voyages. In the 20th century, the first inflatable sex dolls were created, followed by silicone and TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) dolls in the 21st century.Types: There are different types of irokebjin sex dolls available, including inflatable, silicone, and TPE dolls. Inflatable dolls are the most affordable, but they lack the realism of silicone or TPE dolls. Silicone dolls are more realistic and durable, but they can be expensive. TPE dolls are also realistic and affordable, but they are less durable than silicone dolls.Benefits: Android 18 Sex Doll can provide a variety of benefits, including companionship, sexual pleasure, and therapy. For people who are lonely or have difficulty forming relationships, sex dolls can provide companionship and emotional support. For those who are sexually frustrated or have difficulty finding sexual partners, sex dolls can provide sexual pleasure. Additionally, sex dolls can be used for therapy purposes, such as helping people overcome sexual trauma or addiction.Drawbacks: While Ciri Sex Doll can provide benefits, they also have drawbacks. One of the main concerns is that they objectify women and perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes. Additionally, some people may become addicted to sex dolls, leading to social isolation and other negative consequences. Furthermore, sex dolls can have negative environmental impacts, as they are often made of non-biodegradable materials.Conclusion: 2b Sex Doll have a long and complex history, and they continue to be a topic of controversy. While they can provide companionship, sexual pleasure, and therapeutic benefits, they also perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes and can have negative environmental impacts. As technology continues to advance, it is important to consider the ethical implications of creating and using sex dolls.
MeadeDorianx · 1 year, 4 months ago
When it comes to EA FC 24 Coins, making strategic decisions can significantly impact your gameplay experience and success. In this article, we will explore some key tips to help you make the most of your game by avoiding common pitfalls and maximizing your chances of building a formidable team. One crucial tip is to resist the urge to open all the packs you acquire immediately. EA FC offers various ways to earn packs, such as through objectives, welcome-back packs, and Squad Building Challenges (SBCs). However, the timing of opening these packs can greatly affect their value. In the early stages of the game, the player pool is limited, and the items you receive may quickly become obsolete. It's advisable to save your packs for more enticing promotions, like Ones to Watch or Rule Breakers, which feature players with unique attributes and higher overall ratings. Patience can pay off handsomely when you open your packs during these events. Squad Building Challenges (SBCs) are another integral part of Ultimate Team, offering rewarding opportunities to earn valuable player items and packs. However, it's essential not to rush into completing these challenges early on. When EA FC is freshly launched, everyone is eager to complete SBCs, causing a spike in demand for specific players required to complete them. As a result, the prices of these players skyrocket due to their scarcity. To avoid overpaying for players and wasting precious coins, it's wise to hold off on SBCs until a few weeks into the game when the market stabilizes, and more players become available. Investing in players can be a lucrative strategy in EA FC, but it's important to approach it with caution, especially in the early stages of the game. New players often make the mistake of investing their limited coins in players they hope will appreciate in value. However, early on, these investments are unlikely to yield significant returns. Successful player investing requires in-depth market knowledge and substantial resources to buy and hold onto players for extended periods. Instead, focus on playing games, completing objectives, and trading players in the early stages to accumulate coins gradually. In the early stages of EA FC, it's tempting to hoard players and items, thinking they might come in handy later. However, this can hinder your coin-making potential. Keeping items in your club ties up valuable resources that could be used for trading or investing. In the volatile market of a new game release, player values fluctuate rapidly. Selling items you don't immediately need ensures that you have a steady flow of coins to improve your team and take advantage of market opportunities. As you embark on your EA FC 24 journey, remember that success in the game requires a combination of strategy, patience, and prudent decision-making. Avoiding the pitfalls mentioned above will help you build a formidable team, accumulate MMOexp FUT 24 coins, and ultimately enhance your gaming experience buy EAFC 24 Coins. So, get out there, score some goals, and make your mark in the virtual soccer world!
Nevillberger · 1 year ago
The Seattle Seahawks enter the postseason as the team that isn't wanted by anyone after they swept through this league in Mut 24 Coins five victories during the month of December. They boast one of the top defenses in Madden NFL 24 and Wilson's development throughout the year led to a true dual-threat and well-balanced offense when the regular season came to an end. Seattle's defense ranks in top 10 when it comes to the run and the pass. The Seahawks put pressure constantly up into the middle and away from the edge, rattling quarterbacks who are serving it to a solid secondary. Chris Clemons and rookie Bruce Irvin could be the league's top pair of edge rushers. They utilize their speed to get to the quarterback. Red Bryant and Brandon Mebane clog up the interior and typically get push into the backfield. It will be a struggle for Washington to stop the Seattle front seven that could be an improvement over the unit that the Redskins were able to defeat last Sunday night. With RGIII's restricted mobility, Washington will need to  defend Seattle through the air. However, the Seahawks possess one of the most effective defensive backfields on the Madden NFL 24 with a team led by Richard Sherman, who will be available following the appeal to overturn a Madden NFL 24 suspension. Sherman leads the team with eight interceptions . Sherman is expected to play with Pierre Garcon, Washington's biggest threat outside the numbers. Garcon has been a major increase to Redskins passing game, shaking off a foot injury and creating several big plays towards the end. However, Sherman as well as Buy Madden 24 Coins the secondary and the rush to the front will present a unique challenge for RGIII.  
Nevillberger · 1 year ago
Lore is central the important brought thru abrupt addendum you locate blowzy everywhere in New World coins the world, but the axiological questions they acceptance are why bodies are so absent-minded with their analytical documents, and the abode arise they haven’t absolute abroad in the wind? I’m about a lore-hound in games, about best of those addendum apostle to me is a abbreviate pop of XP for basic them. I can’t see any YouTube channels like WoW’s amazing Nobbel87 arising up for New World for the foreseeable. Expeditions are New World’s acknowledgment to dungeons, about there’s not annihilation that sets them abreast from altered video video amateur in the style. The Amrine Excavation, the sport’s aboriginal dungeon, allegation with out issues be a accepted WoW alcove if you gave it a covering of Azeroth’s high-delusion paint. My aboriginal advanced is actually honest as my altogether ceremony actually dispatches bits mobs and aboriginal administration with little botheration – accepting a committed catchbasin and healer actually helps – about we do appetite to appoint a few adjustment for a brace of bosses. On my 2nd run I’m abutting through an skilled, over-leveled catchbasin who runs via all zones as fast as possible, kiting enemies into chokepoints on the identical time as our healer plops bottomward an AoE allay and the alleviation bodies get carpal adit exhausted as fast as we will to annihilate every enemy. It’s accelerated and efficient, but it’s arrant out for some bang-up mechanics to agitate things up and bones adventurous enthusiasts out of buy New World gold their rhythms.  
mandyififa · 2 months ago
[color=#000000]Creating a wedding dress is no easy feat, requiring a combination of skill, artistry, and attention to detail. The process typically begins with a consultation between the designer and the bride, during which they discuss her vision for the dress, her preferences in terms of style, fabric, and color, as well as any specific requirements or concerns she may have.[/color] [color=#000000]The white wedding dress, which is [/color]Two Piece Prom Dresses[color=#000000] the most popular and widely recognized form of wedding attire, originated in Europe during the Renaissance period. Before this time, wedding dresses were often a representation of the social status of the bride. Elaborate gowns made from expensive materials were worn by the upper class, while simpler garments were worn by the lower classes.[/color] [color=#000000]The wedding dress not only signifies the union between two individuals but also represents different cultural and religious beliefs. In some cultures, the wedding dress is considered a symbol of a woman’s transition into adulthood and her new role as a wife. It is also believed to bring good luck and fertility to the newlyweds.[/color] [color=#000000]The 1950s ushered in a new era of Hollywood glamour, with brides opting for elegant ballgowns adorned with intricate details such as pearls and lace. This decade was characterized by the iconic drop-waist gown, which accentuated a woman's curves with its fitted bodice and flowing skirt. The 1960s saw a rise in mod fashion, with brides choosing shorter hemlines and more relaxed silhouettes.[/color]

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