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Matters related to casting surface
   Discussion: Matters related to casting surface
crushermachine169 · 4 years, 6 months ago
=12px[color=#000000]The position of the stainless steel castings china in the mold is related to the quality of the precision casting, the dimensional accuracy and the difficulty of the molding process. The principle of selecting the pouring position: the important or main working surface of the precision casting is facing down or located on the side: during pouring, the gas, slag, and sand particles in the molten metal will float, causing defects such as pores, slag inclusions and trachoma in the upper part of the casting. The structure of the lower part of the casting will be more dense in the case of possible defects.[/color]=12px[color=#000000]The pouring position of the machine bed should be facing down to ensure the quality of important working surfaces. The perimeter quality is high. Adopt vertical casting scheme, can make the circumference of the casting on the side, and the quality is uniform. Large-area downward or oblique casting of precision castings: Due to the strong heat radiation of the molten iron in the upper part of the casting process, the top sand mold expands, arches, and even cracks, causing defects such as sand inclusions and trachoma in large-scale planes. Precision casting or oblique pouring can avoid casting defects in large planes.[/color]=12px[color=#000000]The thin walls of precision castings are downward, lateral or inclined. In order to prevent cold separation and defects in the thin wall of the casting, a large area of ​​thin wall should be placed in the lower part or side wall or inclined position of the casting. The thickness of precision castings should mainly be placed on the top or side of the parting surface. Its main purpose is to facilitate the feeding of the riser in thickness.[/color]
vynalori · 3 years, 7 months ago
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