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Daum Games Europe has been testing the game
   Discussion: Daum Games Europe has been testing the game
chenmingchao · 8 years, 6 months ago
Daum Games Europe sells game pass packages for the game that cost $30, $50 and $100. It said more than 400, 000 subscribers have paid for the game pass including 150, 000 who have purchase the pass even before the game's launch. Compared to the "free-to-play (F2P)" model, B2P is considered to have a higher entrance barrier and its users tend to spend less for paid in-game items while playing the game. For this reason, B2P has been rapidly replaced by the F2P model in the Asian market, especially for mobile games. "A game with the B2P business model normally has a much lower buying rate for paid in-game items compared to F2P games, " said Kim. "But Daum Cash Account is recording a much higher rate than the average of 11 percent level. " Daum Games Europe has been testing the game in overseas markets since last October and attracted more than 700, 000 users participating in a prelaunch character customization event in February. Kim said the company will speed up the content update schedule to meet users' expectations.  
vynalori · 3 years, 11 months ago
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